
Literary (Submission): Impossible Girl

10/24/2014 07:49:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

This is one of the school works I hate the most
A writing that gives people a step forward into my thoughts
Nonetheless it is a requirement
I have to see it fulfilled even if I dread it

The girl in this poem is not the most important in my life
Though she is the one I truly care about through happiness and strife
Her identity is not to be revealed, not for the sake of her privacy
But to keep at bay my ever drifting sanity

Her characteristics are what really sparked my interest
Her kindness, ambition, and her enthusiasm
She is a person I have had the great fortune of knowing
Her companionship makes this blurred and unpleasant world interesting

She is kind not only to humans but to all other living things
She believes that freedom and happiness are a right of all beings
As a person sometimes I'm unpleasant, rude, obnoxious, or ignorant
I am redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of her friendship

She has seen what I thought was invisible
She has broken through what I thought was unbreakable
She has done what I thought was impossible
She is my Impossible Girl

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