
Literary: When Was It?

2/21/2018 07:52:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

When was it exactly?
When was it that I knew?

Perhaps it started
When I first noticed
Your flawless face
Unrivaled by any star in the sky
Far more breathtaking
Than any sight I’ve ever seen

Maybe it began
When I would find
My mind wandering
Spending countless minutes
Staring at nothing
But thinking of you

Possibly it started
When we’d sit side by side
Solving equations
And completing theories
With you making sure
I did everything right

Perhaps it began
When I’d approach you
And you’d look at me
Then time would break its own limits
And everything would be in slow motion
Allowing me to relish your presence

But I think it was when
I saw your blemishes
And noticed your imperfections
But somehow, you still seemed flawless
Still seemed much more beautiful
Than anything in the world

It was when
I wouldn’t be distractedly filled
With thoughts of you
But rather, be inspired, motivated
To be a better version
To be a better person

It was when
All the tutoring was useless
Because you didn’t teach me
How to appreciate you
Instead you showed me
How to value myself

And it was when
Time would still disobey its own rules
It would flow unconventionally
And fast forward to the future
Containing nothing
But me and you

Then all the stars aligned
And all things made sense
All the lines rhymed
And all the wrongs seemed right

It was then,
It was then that I knew

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