Ah yes, it's the month of love or as netizens call it, Feb-ibig. It’s that month again when couples take each other out on dates, give each other gifts and enjoy each other’s company. And it’s also the month of UP's most anticipated annual event: the UP Fair, a 5-day concert series filled with local bands, delicious food, tons of amenities, and of course, advocacies.
To enjoy such an event, one might think that having a date with you is a must. Someone to hold, to love and to spend the beautiful night with-- Come on guys, it’s 2018! We’re all strong and independent human beings who can have twice the fun with less the crowd! But if you’re still not convinced and you still think that you can only enjoy the fair with a partner, here is a list of things you can do without having to stress yourself over some non-existent significant other.

The first thing you’d have to put in mind when attending the UP Fair is that having a significant other is not a prerequisite in enjoying the fair. Why not go out with friends? After all, two’s a company, three’s a crowd and five’s a party!
Gather all your single friends and make the UP Fair your ultimate group date. Being single can be sad and intimidating, but being single with friends is more fun, trust us. Enjoying the fair with friends gives you more freedom to spend your money and time since you don’t have to worry about another person. Just stick together and keep your phones on so you won’t leave anyone behind. We wouldn’t want you to be losing a friend in the middle of enjoying the fair.

The UP Fair is held at the Sunken Garden; a 5-hectare piece of lowered land! The bands aren’t the only highlight of the fair because there are tons of activities to choose from and a lot of concessionaires to eat at.
By simply walking around (or sitting down on the grass), you get to witness the genuine reactions of people. The face of despair (or fear) they show at the rides, the face of awe as people hear their favorite bands, or the face of happiness as couples enjoy each other’s company. Also, your happy face knowing that there are lots of buy-1-take-1 food promos for couples but you’re single so more food for you!
But be careful of random mud puddles and cables, we wouldn’t want you to trip or to ruin your favorite shoes just because you got lost in the sights.

The rides at the UP Fair may be few (There are only 4!) but your amusement will surely be limitless. With prices that range from 60 to 70 pesos, the attractions will surely be worth your while.
If your heart can only take so much, we suggest you ride the Ferris Wheel first since it is relatively slower than the others. But if you’d like a little more excitement or if you’re more of an adrenaline junkie, ride the Octopus with a friend (a ride that swivels carts in the air). If you’d want to feel like you’re falling or you just want to view the scene from up high with much more speed than the Ferris Wheel, try the Viking (a pirate boat replica that swings the riders up high). And if you would want to reminisce your favorite playground equipment with more thrill, ride the Swinger instead.
Just remember, never eat an hour before riding one of these. We want you to enjoy the rides as mess-free as possible!

If rides are not right up your alley, you can try the milder and less dangerous alternative: the perya or carnival games. A variety of booths are scattered all over the place but most are usually found near the rides. You could try hurling balls at cans, throwing darts at balloons, tossing rings and flinging coins to win small prizes.
At a reasonable price, you could both marvel at the simple joy of being able to shoot and hit your target and win something along the way. But be cautious of spending too much. Some booths require you to play consecutive games for a certain prize. Remember that you are playing to have fun, not to win a large (but rather, useless) stuffed toy.

The UP Fair is not just all about the bands and the rides. It’s also a good place to fulfill your foodtrip cravings.
From the famous UP street food stalls to cheap pizza-pasta combos (Only 99 pesos for both!), your money is surely going to be spent well and your stomach will end up extremely satisfied.
But remember, be wary of the food choices you’re going to make. Some are worth their price but some are just plain rip-offs. Pick the stalls with more people since they tend to be the good ones and therefore, attract more customers.

The main reason why the UP Fair is always the most popular event to be held within the campus is because of its impressive lineup. With underrated college groups like The Ridleys and STLO to top-notch local bands like Silent Sanctuary and Sponge Cola, the UP Fair has them all.
And whether you know the band or not, don’t hesitate to let loose and have fun. Dance along to the incredible guitar riffs, powerful drum beats and amazing vocals.
To fully experience the concert as a whole, it is a more enjoyable option to be near the stage as much as possible. But if you do decide to dive right into the mosh pit (n. the area in front of a concert stage), don’t forget to bring along a willing friend. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd so it’s a good idea to have a familiar face with you.

Just like listening to your favorite band on repeat, you close your eyes, memorizing the lyrics, singing along to the tune, tapping your foot, doing air guitar solos and air drums-- You don’t notice it, but you close your eyes, and you savor the moment.
Now imagine watching your favorite band live, breathing the same air as them and finally, hearing them perform live. What do you do? If you answered take a picture, you’re missing out on a lot, and maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities. What you need to do, is raise your hands, take a deep breath, and sing your heart out, sing to your heart’s content, sing like nobody’s listening, and sing until your lungs give out! Because times like these don’t need to be photographed. These eventful moments of your life are ingrained in your heart and photographed in your mind. This kind of photograph is what matters the most; making yourself happy without the need to showcase it to the world. Savor the moment, live in the moment.
Being alone and single during the most couple-filled event in UP may make you feel lonely, but with good friends and good food, and the best bands serenading you, being single won’t matter anymore. Remember to just have a fun time with your friends, explore the place, enjoy the music and most importantly, revel in your “single-ness” and the UP Fair will surely be one of the best events you’ve ever attended in your life.//by Josh Santos and Roan Ticman
Feature: The S.I.N.G.L.E.S. Guide to Surviving the UP Fair
Ah yes, it's the month of love or as netizens call it, Feb-ibig. It’s that month again when couples take each other out on dates, give each other gifts and enjoy each other’s company. And it’s also the month of UP's most anticipated annual event: the UP Fair, a 5-day concert series filled with local bands, delicious food, tons of amenities, and of course, advocacies.
To enjoy such an event, one might think that having a date with you is a must. Someone to hold, to love and to spend the beautiful night with-- Come on guys, it’s 2018! We’re all strong and independent human beings who can have twice the fun with less the crowd! But if you’re still not convinced and you still think that you can only enjoy the fair with a partner, here is a list of things you can do without having to stress yourself over some non-existent significant other.

The first thing you’d have to put in mind when attending the UP Fair is that having a significant other is not a prerequisite in enjoying the fair. Why not go out with friends? After all, two’s a company, three’s a crowd and five’s a party!
Gather all your single friends and make the UP Fair your ultimate group date. Being single can be sad and intimidating, but being single with friends is more fun, trust us. Enjoying the fair with friends gives you more freedom to spend your money and time since you don’t have to worry about another person. Just stick together and keep your phones on so you won’t leave anyone behind. We wouldn’t want you to be losing a friend in the middle of enjoying the fair.

The UP Fair is held at the Sunken Garden; a 5-hectare piece of lowered land! The bands aren’t the only highlight of the fair because there are tons of activities to choose from and a lot of concessionaires to eat at.
By simply walking around (or sitting down on the grass), you get to witness the genuine reactions of people. The face of despair (or fear) they show at the rides, the face of awe as people hear their favorite bands, or the face of happiness as couples enjoy each other’s company. Also, your happy face knowing that there are lots of buy-1-take-1 food promos for couples but you’re single so more food for you!
But be careful of random mud puddles and cables, we wouldn’t want you to trip or to ruin your favorite shoes just because you got lost in the sights.

The rides at the UP Fair may be few (There are only 4!) but your amusement will surely be limitless. With prices that range from 60 to 70 pesos, the attractions will surely be worth your while.
If your heart can only take so much, we suggest you ride the Ferris Wheel first since it is relatively slower than the others. But if you’d like a little more excitement or if you’re more of an adrenaline junkie, ride the Octopus with a friend (a ride that swivels carts in the air). If you’d want to feel like you’re falling or you just want to view the scene from up high with much more speed than the Ferris Wheel, try the Viking (a pirate boat replica that swings the riders up high). And if you would want to reminisce your favorite playground equipment with more thrill, ride the Swinger instead.
Just remember, never eat an hour before riding one of these. We want you to enjoy the rides as mess-free as possible!

If rides are not right up your alley, you can try the milder and less dangerous alternative: the perya or carnival games. A variety of booths are scattered all over the place but most are usually found near the rides. You could try hurling balls at cans, throwing darts at balloons, tossing rings and flinging coins to win small prizes.
At a reasonable price, you could both marvel at the simple joy of being able to shoot and hit your target and win something along the way. But be cautious of spending too much. Some booths require you to play consecutive games for a certain prize. Remember that you are playing to have fun, not to win a large (but rather, useless) stuffed toy.

The UP Fair is not just all about the bands and the rides. It’s also a good place to fulfill your foodtrip cravings.
From the famous UP street food stalls to cheap pizza-pasta combos (Only 99 pesos for both!), your money is surely going to be spent well and your stomach will end up extremely satisfied.
But remember, be wary of the food choices you’re going to make. Some are worth their price but some are just plain rip-offs. Pick the stalls with more people since they tend to be the good ones and therefore, attract more customers.

The main reason why the UP Fair is always the most popular event to be held within the campus is because of its impressive lineup. With underrated college groups like The Ridleys and STLO to top-notch local bands like Silent Sanctuary and Sponge Cola, the UP Fair has them all.
And whether you know the band or not, don’t hesitate to let loose and have fun. Dance along to the incredible guitar riffs, powerful drum beats and amazing vocals.
To fully experience the concert as a whole, it is a more enjoyable option to be near the stage as much as possible. But if you do decide to dive right into the mosh pit (n. the area in front of a concert stage), don’t forget to bring along a willing friend. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd so it’s a good idea to have a familiar face with you.

Just like listening to your favorite band on repeat, you close your eyes, memorizing the lyrics, singing along to the tune, tapping your foot, doing air guitar solos and air drums-- You don’t notice it, but you close your eyes, and you savor the moment.
Now imagine watching your favorite band live, breathing the same air as them and finally, hearing them perform live. What do you do? If you answered take a picture, you’re missing out on a lot, and maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities. What you need to do, is raise your hands, take a deep breath, and sing your heart out, sing to your heart’s content, sing like nobody’s listening, and sing until your lungs give out! Because times like these don’t need to be photographed. These eventful moments of your life are ingrained in your heart and photographed in your mind. This kind of photograph is what matters the most; making yourself happy without the need to showcase it to the world. Savor the moment, live in the moment.
Being alone and single during the most couple-filled event in UP may make you feel lonely, but with good friends and good food, and the best bands serenading you, being single won’t matter anymore. Remember to just have a fun time with your friends, explore the place, enjoy the music and most importantly, revel in your “single-ness” and the UP Fair will surely be one of the best events you’ve ever attended in your life.//by Josh Santos and Roan Ticman