
O muse, how dark the heavens are,
Now that the stars no longer shine;
The only trace of stellar brilliance left,
Is a jar of stars upon my desk.
There was a time when the evening sky,
Was lit by pinpricks of light divine—
Lights at home in God’s abode,
Which without such would be but black
And though these stars were far away,
Their beauty reached my place on Earth;
Sure was I they lived and breathed,
And burned with spirit and with life
In gentle night these stars were there,
Guiding my lost and wandering bark;
A constant in heaven’s vast expanse,
Guiding my pen across an empty sea,
And these routes were marked with ink,
Tracing words across the ocean’s map—
Words instilled with heaven’s grace,
Their beauty taken from the stars themselves
But now long gone are the pleasant eves,
When brilliant gems adorned that velvet silk;
The stars no longer in the sky reside,
‘Tis but within glass walls they twinkle still
Through this the stars are kept alive,
Their beauty preserved, encased in glass,
Though like a creature in amber trapped,
Its beauty lives though its soul has died
Now my pen can only wander blind,
For its guiding star has disappeared;
Now not as well it braves the seas,
For uncertain it is in its course
And its path when traced across the map,
Are naught but scribbles and random lines,
No longer made are words with beauty blest,
For there are no stars with beauty to instill
Farewell, o muse, but thank you still,
For that jar of stars you gave to me:
A reminder of a beautiful and happy time,
A reminder that the stars no longer shine.
Literary: A Jarful of Stars

O muse, how dark the heavens are,
Now that the stars no longer shine;
The only trace of stellar brilliance left,
Is a jar of stars upon my desk.
There was a time when the evening sky,
Was lit by pinpricks of light divine—
Lights at home in God’s abode,
Which without such would be but black
And though these stars were far away,
Their beauty reached my place on Earth;
Sure was I they lived and breathed,
And burned with spirit and with life
In gentle night these stars were there,
Guiding my lost and wandering bark;
A constant in heaven’s vast expanse,
Guiding my pen across an empty sea,
And these routes were marked with ink,
Tracing words across the ocean’s map—
Words instilled with heaven’s grace,
Their beauty taken from the stars themselves
But now long gone are the pleasant eves,
When brilliant gems adorned that velvet silk;
The stars no longer in the sky reside,
‘Tis but within glass walls they twinkle still
Through this the stars are kept alive,
Their beauty preserved, encased in glass,
Though like a creature in amber trapped,
Its beauty lives though its soul has died
Now my pen can only wander blind,
For its guiding star has disappeared;
Now not as well it braves the seas,
For uncertain it is in its course
And its path when traced across the map,
Are naught but scribbles and random lines,
No longer made are words with beauty blest,
For there are no stars with beauty to instill
Farewell, o muse, but thank you still,
For that jar of stars you gave to me:
A reminder of a beautiful and happy time,
A reminder that the stars no longer shine.
proud of u, contre-jour