contre jour,

Literary: The Bug Precept

Once said a foolish man who thought
He was so very smart:
‘If you upon a small bug trod,
The end-times you will start’
This Poincaré and Lorenz heard
And made their guiding lines;
They swore an oath to watch the earth
And sweep it like a Jain
On this they held no compromise,
Whate’er the air might be;
They’d let the sheep meet its demise,
On Sabbath willingly
One day they found their brooms were gone,
And all their food as well;
They needed to the store anon,
But how without bug-knells?
They thought on this quite long and hard,
What were the two to do?
A trick was found aft’ ponderance
To solve their current woe:
‘If we instead of treading, prance,
We won’t upon bugs—’ ‘No!
We cannot take a chance like that
Risking bugs underfoot;
Instead the two decided that
Their aim might rolling suit
For this cle’er scheme they themselves praised
For brilliant it was so;
To the store the two rolled and raced,
Excited shouting, ‘who-oa!’
Some time thence they thither made it,
Granting them food and broom;
With that they thought they’d fly and flit,
A-cackling in the room
Content they were with what they had,
They headed home anon;
On the way to home noticed they
A caterpillar lone;
Upon the road it peaceful laid,
And on it sunlight shone
As sign they saw that haloed light
That they did smart and good;
They saw a future without plight
Henceforth from where they stood
Hippocrates abided by
The pair avoiding gore;
They swept the creature to the side
And let it live some more
‘Twas then a myst’ry man appeared
Clothed in silver garments;
He wore a mask which screamed afeard,
P’rhaps to lose his argent?
Unfortunate the pair were though,
‘Twas not the man’s concern;
‘Twas future things the man did know
That made his stomach turn
He spoke, ‘that little bug you rescued there
Will one day cause the end’;
He spoke of coming future bare
Of human hope to fend
The two however had their own
Ideas of times to come;
They truly thought that they had sown
What might utopia become
The myst’ry man did tarry not
To take them to his home;
He took the foolish sorry lot
To see what they had done:
They found themselves in future times
Where ruled a Hitler-bug;
The Hitler-bug a butterfly
Grandchild of the road-bug
And there they found their good deed was
Not so good at all.