
Literary: Secrets Left Unsaid

Ever since we were inside our mothers’ wombs,
our moms have already envisioned our friendship.
That’s why as little babies, we were always
together as playmates. Our favorite game was
to play cook with little pots and pans, and Barbie dolls, complete with their
shoes and bags. Ever since we were little, we were already inseparable.
up together was pretty easy too, since we went
to the same school. In kindergarten, during recess,
we enjoyed braiding each other’s hair and sometimes even raced to the pink
swing beside the mango tree because that was
the only swing in the whole playground that didn’t squeak. In elementary, we
often exchanged our lunches because you didn’t
like yours. During free periods, we always went to the library so that I could hear you talk about the boys you liked. We were
young little rebels, teachers said. We were partners in crime. In high school, we always
talked until 2 in the morning, helping each other
with our homework and projects or gossip about
the usual high school drama.
But this year, our
last year in high school, we became distant. Not
the same inseparable partners in crime anymore.
But now that you have a boyfriend, I often get
pushed to the side. At times when we get together, you
only talk about him. How he’s so hot
and dreamy. How he always takes you out on fancy dates. How
he always makes your mother smile. How he
buys you unexpected gifts. How he never
forgets special occasions. And how he’s the perfect guy for you. It’s like you
found someone to replace me. But whatever happens, I’m still here for you.
Because of the time you spend with him, I have one last secret left unsaid.
scared. I don’t know if this is the right time and situation to tell you this.
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell ro-
Jingle Bell Rock was an inside joke of ours,
that’s why I use it as my ring tone. No surprise, you’re calling me again.
tired, he took me to go rock clim- ” you said.
we meet? Jollibee. Right now.” I cut you off.
like 11 in the evening,” you whined.
only 6:00PM. Don’t be so overdramatic! Bye!”
ended the call and headed to Jollibee right away. Maybe this is the right time.
ordered your favorite, Jolly Spaghetti with Chicken Joy and large fries, one each for the both of us. I headed to the green
table in the corner and 15 minutes later, you arrived and sat across me.
Without any hellos, you sat down, began to eat, and talked
about your day and how tired you were because you and your boyfriend went rock
climbing. I really wanted to cut you off but I’ve never seen you this happy
before. Your eyes were glowing, your dimples were
showing, your cheeks were rosy, you were so beautiful. I miss being with you all the time. I miss these moments when we would
just eat at Jollibee and talk. I miss you.
“Now, when are you going to look for a
boyfriend?” you asked, smiling.
“That’s not important and I really don’t want
a boyfriend,” I answered with my head down.
“That’s just ridiculous. You have got to be kidding me. I know someone. I can give him your number if you want. He’s
very tall, a volleyball player, likes dogs, has a Golden Retriever, and oh, he
also likes Spongecola and Silent Sanctuary just like you! Most importantly,
he’s very, very single at the moment,” you
I didn’t answer. I didn’t know what to say.
“Are you okay?” you sounded concerned, “Why did you ask me to come here in the
first place?”
“I have something important to say.”
“What is it? You know you can tell me
everything, just like old times.”
“I… I like…” I looked away and took a deep
“What?” you nudged me.
“I just miss you.”
You stood up, sat beside me, gave me a big hug
and said, “Even though we’re not always together, I will always be your best
friend, your partner in crime. Remember that. Okay?”
I looked at you and smiled. Seeing you this
happy and contented in life made me bite my tongue. We talked all night and
went home at midnight. Maybe some secrets are better left unsaid.
I got home. I took a bath, changed my clothes,
and sat on the corner of my bed. I was staring
at a picture of us when we were 14, placed on the
top of my dresser. We were looking at each other, holding an ice cream bar.
That was the moment I knew I liked you.
I checked my phone and it was already 2:14AM.
I decided to send you a text.
I like you. That’s what I was supposed to say.