
I just woke up from a nap at 8 p.m. I feel fatigued and thirsty, as if I’m a fish out of water—so bear with the words I’m about to use while writing in this journal. I’m just jotting down anything that comes to mind.
By the way, I didn’t notice that I had fallen asleep with my turntable still running. What can I say? I’d rather listen to jazz and blues than my stupid parents screaming at each other. Anyway, I know I seem a bit too edgy—I wonder who made me like this? Weren’t they aware that there are specific instructions to make the plot more positive and hopeful?
Okay, that didn’t make sense, but whatever. I’m sure I’m not entirely dark and twisted. Maybe I just need someone in my life, or a little bit of something bright and shiny.
Wait… “bright and shiny”?
That rings a bell.
It’s making me have this weird sensation in my chest.
Is this—love? Butterflies? I hate butterflies. Maybe bees?
Based on the movie: Back to the Future (1985)
Literary: McFly

I just woke up from a nap at 8 p.m. I feel fatigued and thirsty, as if I’m a fish out of water—so bear with the words I’m about to use while writing in this journal. I’m just jotting down anything that comes to mind.
By the way, I didn’t notice that I had fallen asleep with my turntable still running. What can I say? I’d rather listen to jazz and blues than my stupid parents screaming at each other. Anyway, I know I seem a bit too edgy—I wonder who made me like this? Weren’t they aware that there are specific instructions to make the plot more positive and hopeful?
Okay, that didn’t make sense, but whatever. I’m sure I’m not entirely dark and twisted. Maybe I just need someone in my life, or a little bit of something bright and shiny.
Wait… “bright and shiny”?
That rings a bell.
It’s making me have this weird sensation in my chest.
Is this—love? Butterflies? I hate butterflies. Maybe bees?
Oh! This reminds me of the dream I just had, it was really realistic. I want to relive that dream again. I want to feel whatever I just felt once more.
I’m gonna write it down so I can look back on it in the future. I’m not good with words, but let’s see.
It was set in the present year, 1955. I found myself in a normal suburban town in California while my dad was driving his Ford Thunderbird. He briefly looked down to change the song on the radio, but when he turned his gaze back on the road, there was this guy sitting there and we almost ran over him. We did hit him a little bit, but luckily he was fine. I then let him into our house to freshen up ‘cause he was looking hella grody. After some time, I called him up to my room, where the lights were dim and it all felt right. I remember:
All of my visions of the future disappeared when he told me that he had to go. We went outside together, hoping that we’ll meet each other again. I was also going to finally ask for his name, until his friend appeared and said they have to go back. Go back where?
“Back to the future. Back to 1985,” said his friend who’s driving an odd, alien-looking car, which he mentioned was called a DeLorean.
A time machine... Out of a DeLorean.
I was confused, but didn’t have time to react as he quickly hopped in the car and said:
“I’m Marty McFly, see ya mo—”
The last word was cut off because the car was too fast.
I remember nothing else that happened after they drove away. I just know that he’s my McFly, Marty McFly. The only guy that caught my eye.
However, it was nothing but a dream, right? But what if we actually meet again? Would that mean I just saw the future in the eyes of someone who came from the future? In a dream that is set in the present? That also doesn’t make sense, but I just know that I need to be with him. Maybe he’ll brighten up my dark and twisted life, maybe he’ll give me the love that my parents failed to give, maybe we’re meant to be.
I’m gonna write it down so I can look back on it in the future. I’m not good with words, but let’s see.
It was set in the present year, 1955. I found myself in a normal suburban town in California while my dad was driving his Ford Thunderbird. He briefly looked down to change the song on the radio, but when he turned his gaze back on the road, there was this guy sitting there and we almost ran over him. We did hit him a little bit, but luckily he was fine. I then let him into our house to freshen up ‘cause he was looking hella grody. After some time, I called him up to my room, where the lights were dim and it all felt right. I remember:
When I was with him,
I felt like I was having the time of my life
There was an instant connection,
Him and I felt like a good combination.
Like how he wore his layered tops with an orange vest,
His “Calvin Klein” undies with a smile on his face,
His fingers on the strings of my guitar,
sliding swiftly
as he effortlessly played Johnny B. Goode
I swayed, I snickered,
I sang with him.
His presence made my heart buzz with bees,
Instead of pesky butterflies.
I didn’t know what perfect was until he defined it for me.
He was effortlessly cool,
He didn’t have to try.
I didn’t even know his name,
He hadn’t even said a word.
He really did razz my berries!
Then, I looked at his eyes.
His eyes were bright and shiny,
I could see my reflection in them,
I could see the future, me with him.
We’d live in a big house by the fields,
We’d sleep in each other’s arms,
wake up to each other’s warmth.
We'd live in the moment,
We’d have Jell-O for dinner, soup for lunch,
backseat bingo, and late-night trips.
We’d fall in the abyss of love,
knowing that it’s a bottomless pit—
Then, he blinked.
All of my visions of the future disappeared when he told me that he had to go. We went outside together, hoping that we’ll meet each other again. I was also going to finally ask for his name, until his friend appeared and said they have to go back. Go back where?
“Back to the future. Back to 1985,” said his friend who’s driving an odd, alien-looking car, which he mentioned was called a DeLorean.
A time machine... Out of a DeLorean.
I was confused, but didn’t have time to react as he quickly hopped in the car and said:
“I’m Marty McFly, see ya mo—”
The last word was cut off because the car was too fast.
I remember nothing else that happened after they drove away. I just know that he’s my McFly, Marty McFly. The only guy that caught my eye.
However, it was nothing but a dream, right? But what if we actually meet again? Would that mean I just saw the future in the eyes of someone who came from the future? In a dream that is set in the present? That also doesn’t make sense, but I just know that I need to be with him. Maybe he’ll brighten up my dark and twisted life, maybe he’ll give me the love that my parents failed to give, maybe we’re meant to be.
No—I know we’re meant to be. I saw the future in his eyes, and I believe it. I will see him soon.
I, Lorraine Baines, will see you soon, Marty McFly.
I, Lorraine Baines, will see you soon, Marty McFly.
November 5th, 1955
Based on the movie: Back to the Future (1985)