
Literary: Does it need to be formal?

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I, Sebby│
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I, Sebby│
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I, Seb│
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I, Sebastian, taek y│
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I, Sebastian, ta│
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I, Sebastian, take you│
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I, Sebastian, take you Stazi│
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I, Sebastian, take you Anastazi WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO FORMAL│
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Let me just do it my way, I guess │
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Anastazia Faye, I simply cannot fathom the fact that we are going to be official life partners by the time that we both step out of this church. I know that you are trying so hard to suppress your laughter right now, since you’ve probably noticed that I memorized my vows in advance while we both agreed that the exchange of our vows would be spontaneous. You’re probably thinking how your great Sebby, who never fails to maintain his composure in any given situation, chose to prepare and might actually be trembling right now. I’m sorry, I really cannot afford to be tongue-tied at our much-awaited moment.
Back in high school, I used to think that we were never on the same ground. Some of our friends would describe us as polar opposites. You’re good at socializing with everyone, you have the ability to make a connection with every person you meet, and the room just automatically lights up whenever you enter. On the other hand, I really didn’t have much guts when it came to interacting with people back then. I guess I didn't really see the point in making a lot of acquaintances. I mean, what for? People come and go.
However, everything started to change gradually as soon as you started talking to me. I mean, who can resist that angelic smile of yours? Excuse me for being what they call “corny,” but as soon you looked at me with those dazzling eyes, I knew. I would want to look at those glints in your eyes for a long, long time. Forever, even if there’s such a thing.
My heart would be yours to keep. It’s not like you were asking for it, but please take it.
Once our eyes had locked on that sunny afternoon, I felt this drive to know more about you. Never had I thought that I would be this eager to start a conversation with someone. Believe me when I tell you that I tried to approach you several times, but it seems like destiny had its own plan with us. One day, I was riding my bike on the way to school, and I saw you rushing on the sidewalk. I didn’t expect to see you there since you were never the “late” type of person, and at that moment, I was pretty sure that it was only less than ten minutes before the first period started. Without thinking what I should do, I felt my feet already speeding up the pedals. As soon as I kept up with you, I immediately asked if you wanted to ride on the backseat of my bike in order to get to school faster and avoid being late. That moment marked our first real interaction, and I was certain that I didn’t want it to be our last. So, as we finally reached the school, I mustered up my courage to ask you if you want to ride again with me the next morning—and to my luck, you agreed. ^-^
This little coincidence of ours became our daily routine. Everyday, I would pick you up at the corner of Dalisay Street, and together, we would ride our way to school using my bike. We would talk about whatever came to our minds, from the most random things to our very own heartbreaks. What’s weird was that we had just started talking, but it felt like I'd known you for a long time. I just enjoyed listening to you blabber about what you like or how your day went.
I really took pleasure in memorizing every detail of you, Stazi. You like Pan de Regla over Pan de Coco, Math over music, and riding a skateboard over playing a guitar. My interest in knowing anything and everything about you will never run out.
As we both grew older, we faced different struggles. No, of course I wouldn’t describe our relationship as perfect, otherwise I would be pretentious. You have problems of your own, and I have mine as well. There were even times when I would question myself on how well I really know you. Just when I thought that I’d already seen all sides of you, I would feel like I was talking to a stranger. We would sleep without actually patching things up for several nights. Hurtful words would be thrown at each other impulsively.
People would always point out that it is easy to fall in love, but staying in love? For sure, it is more difficult.
I, however, beg to differ because staying in love with you, Stazi, is something that I’ve never had a hard time with. Maybe we’ve had issues, but never once has it crossed my mind to end things with you. I’ve always believed that people come and go, because they really do; but for once, I hope that you are a different case. I am more than content to stay by your side, and I am even certain that I will not let you go.
You’re the only person I want to fulfill my dreams with. You’re the only one I wish to build a home and start a family with. You are my home. My sanctuary. My wonderwall.
It would be an honor to witness every sunrise and sunset by your side for this lifetime, my Stazi. Seeing what the future holds for the both of us simply thrills me. I know things will not get easier from now, but I’ll do my best to be fit as your partner whom you fight alongside with.
I, Sebby, take you, Stazi, to be my forever equal, bestie, and partner-in-crime, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, I pledge you my faith.
Is this enough?????? I don’t even know if I did this right :< │
Back in high school, I used to think that we were never on the same ground. Some of our friends would describe us as polar opposites. You’re good at socializing with everyone, you have the ability to make a connection with every person you meet, and the room just automatically lights up whenever you enter. On the other hand, I really didn’t have much guts when it came to interacting with people back then. I guess I didn't really see the point in making a lot of acquaintances. I mean, what for? People come and go.
However, everything started to change gradually as soon as you started talking to me. I mean, who can resist that angelic smile of yours? Excuse me for being what they call “corny,” but as soon you looked at me with those dazzling eyes, I knew. I would want to look at those glints in your eyes for a long, long time. Forever, even if there’s such a thing.
My heart would be yours to keep. It’s not like you were asking for it, but please take it.
Once our eyes had locked on that sunny afternoon, I felt this drive to know more about you. Never had I thought that I would be this eager to start a conversation with someone. Believe me when I tell you that I tried to approach you several times, but it seems like destiny had its own plan with us. One day, I was riding my bike on the way to school, and I saw you rushing on the sidewalk. I didn’t expect to see you there since you were never the “late” type of person, and at that moment, I was pretty sure that it was only less than ten minutes before the first period started. Without thinking what I should do, I felt my feet already speeding up the pedals. As soon as I kept up with you, I immediately asked if you wanted to ride on the backseat of my bike in order to get to school faster and avoid being late. That moment marked our first real interaction, and I was certain that I didn’t want it to be our last. So, as we finally reached the school, I mustered up my courage to ask you if you want to ride again with me the next morning—and to my luck, you agreed. ^-^
This little coincidence of ours became our daily routine. Everyday, I would pick you up at the corner of Dalisay Street, and together, we would ride our way to school using my bike. We would talk about whatever came to our minds, from the most random things to our very own heartbreaks. What’s weird was that we had just started talking, but it felt like I'd known you for a long time. I just enjoyed listening to you blabber about what you like or how your day went.
I really took pleasure in memorizing every detail of you, Stazi. You like Pan de Regla over Pan de Coco, Math over music, and riding a skateboard over playing a guitar. My interest in knowing anything and everything about you will never run out.
As we both grew older, we faced different struggles. No, of course I wouldn’t describe our relationship as perfect, otherwise I would be pretentious. You have problems of your own, and I have mine as well. There were even times when I would question myself on how well I really know you. Just when I thought that I’d already seen all sides of you, I would feel like I was talking to a stranger. We would sleep without actually patching things up for several nights. Hurtful words would be thrown at each other impulsively.
People would always point out that it is easy to fall in love, but staying in love? For sure, it is more difficult.
I, however, beg to differ because staying in love with you, Stazi, is something that I’ve never had a hard time with. Maybe we’ve had issues, but never once has it crossed my mind to end things with you. I’ve always believed that people come and go, because they really do; but for once, I hope that you are a different case. I am more than content to stay by your side, and I am even certain that I will not let you go.
You’re the only person I want to fulfill my dreams with. You’re the only one I wish to build a home and start a family with. You are my home. My sanctuary. My wonderwall.
It would be an honor to witness every sunrise and sunset by your side for this lifetime, my Stazi. Seeing what the future holds for the both of us simply thrills me. I know things will not get easier from now, but I’ll do my best to be fit as your partner whom you fight alongside with.
I, Sebby, take you, Stazi, to be my forever equal, bestie, and partner-in-crime, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, I pledge you my faith.
Is this enough?????? I don’t even know if I did this right :< │