
Literary: The Familiar Stranger

4/28/2021 06:30:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments


hey stranger,

have we met before?

for your eyes twinkle
a gentle shine i adore

your smile so bright,
a gentle light to my darkest lores

and your voice so heavenly,
a gentle call i can’t ignore

i want to hold your hand,
to not let go anymore

would your hand feel the same
as theirs did before?

a familiar feeling
that once led my heart to war

though now there’s nothing left
but a lovely battle scar

a great love that's been lost
no longer makes my heart sore

yet i find my thoughts drifting
back to them once more

from seeing you, stranger,
someone i thought i knew before—

wait, stranger
don’t leave, stranger

stay a while longer,

and we can talk some more
‘til our stories get worn

i can't say i know you well,
but we’ll be up ‘til dawn

learning each other’s folklores and myths
until all is said and done

you’ll say something i won't catch,
i’ll sit and stare as you ramble on

i’ll look into your eyes,
to your soul, i’d feel drawn

and just like that,
i’d feel all my worries have gone

forgive me for my daydream—
a while has passed, i’m sure

since i last saw a stranger

who shared the same soul

as the one whom i wished
had stayed for evermore

after all the dances,
their two left feet i so adored

after watching the starry skies—
even then, they shone more

being with them sent me to heaven,
the greatest blessing i could ask for

but they had to let go

and we turned into strangers,
nothing left of our adventures

so it makes me wonder

will this end up
like how it did before?

or will this be different?
is this worth fighting for?

they gave me a warmth
that made my heart leap and soar

while you give me a warmth
that comforts, embraces

a warmth i know is pure

and now i am sure of
the hope that's grown

from meeting you, stranger,

a familiar figure
who feels like home

i promise you stranger,
if you drift away like the one before

i will keep searching for you

from dusk ‘til dawn
from spring ‘til fall

and one day i hope

i find my way back

to the familiar figure
who feels like home

but do tell me this, stranger,

for i fear the unknown:

why does my heart ache and long

for things i have never known?

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