
Literary (Submission): Maze of Time

11/23/2019 08:15:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Yesterday, I confessed my love for you. You asked me, “What do you want to happen?”

I said, “nothing,” I just want to say that I like you but something forbids us. This cage seems like a maze. Whenever the clock ticks, I run--I run not because I’m afraid. I run because the time is running after me. It’s chasing me and if it catches me? It will be much harder to find you. Each passage in this maze has a challenge:

First passage: School Requirements. Reports, papers, and readings, a lot of people say it would help me in college. Each week that passes by, they all pile up, it seems like a mountain which no one could ever conquer. Laptop, paper, pens and highlighters are everywhere, everything is a mess. I couldn’t decide which requirements I should finish first. I’m confused. I have faced a lot of passageways in which I dealt with these reports, papers, and readings. But it is like a cycle, it never ends. Clock is ticking, and my time is running out.

Second passage: Adulting Challenges. I had to face tasks and house chores that would help me be a responsible person. Whenever I see kids on the street, playing, I reminisce the times that my only problem is when I trip over and hurt myself. Everything has changed since I turned 18. Deciding what to do first, bewilders me. Grocery, pay the bills, cook, do the laundry, iron clothes, and a lot more. I have faced a lot of passageways in which I dealt with these tasks and chores. But it is like a cycle, it never ends. Clock is ticking, and my time is running out.

Third passage: Future Plans. People ask:
“Which college did you choose?”
“What course will you take?”
“What will be your job after that?”
But I am not so sure and yet I was able to face a lot of passageways in which I dealt with these questions. But it is like a cycle, it never ends. Clock is ticking, and my time is running out.

It is difficult if time will be your opponent.

Time is playing with us, it is us versus time. When will it ever allow us to be with each other? We aren’t going to let time win over us, right? Tell me I’m correct because of all these unsure decisions I’ve made in this maze, I’m sure of one thing alone…


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