
Literary: Infinity for you

11/30/2019 08:00:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Ten days I’ve been wandering the world aimlessly,
I thought of chasing you even through land and sea.
Nine times I’ve seen your face amongst the crowd,
Delusional, did I scream your name too loud?
Eight times I passed the couch we slept on together,
Seven minutes every hour, it got me wishing that was forever.
Six moments, and that, makes up a heartbreak,
Bet when you come back it’ll seize all the ache.

Five steps and I’ve tumbled down the hill,
Bruised and beaten but no tears still.
Four thoughts popped in my head when I came tumbling,
Three was solved and the last needed thinking,
How come two loved but only one stayed true?

Zero is the exact number of answers that came to play,
But I know, someday, I’ll find the answer anyway.
Even if it takes me a whole infinity and a day.

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