
Literary: The Man

9/22/2014 07:34:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Here comes a man ready for the world,
Ready to give out everything that his heart could ever would.
A stately man, full of grace and love,
Was changed by a woman who also changed his heart.

It started out hopeful, the sun shining on a warm summer day
Their happiness immeasurable without doubt or dismay
They laid low on the coming of fall
Creating a promise that will be broken not for long

They all thought it was good and everything would go as planned
But they didn't see that breaking is at hand
A change of heart ruled out the love
From which sprang the brokenness of the heart

The cold came and the dark days crept into weeks
He asked for the love that they used to feel
Wondering what went wrong
But all she said was nothing, just letting his words fall

She silently left to pursue another one
Leaving him behind with the shards of their broken promise
He let out his despair in the flurrying blizzard storm
Turning himself cold with icicles in his heart

He was altered and forever changed
The love he used to feel is now a thing that never existed
He now haunts us in our dreams, stealing our every sleep
In the search for his pieces that once defined him

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