
Literary (Submission): Always

9/08/2014 08:08:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

You see, there's this girl.
(There's always a girl.)
And I like her.
(So very much.)
I like her short, wavy hair,
Which she'd brush aside
(Ever so gently)
While she took down notes.
I like how passionate she'd get
While she told me about her day
And she’d get this look in her eyes
That made you think the world was alright,
That the world was paradise.
(It would be if I was with her.)
And I loved how
I couldn't help but smile
Whenever she spoke to me.
(Every single time.)
But there's a problem
(There's always a problem.)
She doesn't like me.
(Not in that way.)
And I can't just tell her
(Because I know.)
I know how she is.
So I guess for now
I'll just give up.
(That’s all I can do.)
But I know I'll always smile
When I talk to her.
I know I'll always love
Her laugh, her presence.

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