
It starts with the decent.
Serful: Welcome to the Afmersia News Network! I am Serful Kham and I will be your host for today’s electoral debates. Our participants for today are the three most popular presidential candidates. First, please give it up for Tavish Skrumpy!
*Crowd cheers as Tavish strives in wearing his finest clothes*
Serful: And here comes Rinus Goodmun!
*Rinus walks up the stage wearing his “moderate” fine clothes, followed by a polite smattering of applause*
Serful: And last, but not the least, Rudy Bathum’bakal!
*Rudy steps in, dressed in his former captain’s attire decorated with medals, waves at supporters who were cheering loudly for him*
Serful: Now that our candidates are all here, I believe it’s time to explain the proceedings of today’s events. The audience will ask our candidates their questions, with the topic left to the questioner. Our candidates then have two minutes at most to answer the question, and will be asked to stop talking once the buzzer goes off. Interruptions are highly discouraged, so please refrain from speaking unless it is your turn; this goes for both the participants and the audience. Now, who wants to ask the first question?
And so it really begins…
*Serful picks out a member from the audience*
Random Audience: What would you do to deal with famine?
*Tavish straightens his posture and raises his right hand indicating he wants to answer the question*
Tavish: I’ll start a line of fast food restaurants, each of them around a corner of a city block, so that if the people go hungry, they can just go down the street and grab a bite!
*Tavish, with a smirk, steps back from the mic, while the other candidates shoot him ludicrous looks*
*Rudy coughs as a sign that he wants to be the next to answer*
Rudy: Ah really don’t think a bunch o’ resterants are gonna help us.”
*Tavish slightly narrows his eyes but says nothing*
“Ah believe tha’ whut we need is a self-sufficient country. We need ta study and fo’see how the economy will change in the foll’wing years. Ah say we should see how otha’ countries sustain themselves, and improve it. Bu’ unlike otha’ countries that rip-off other ideas and sell ‘em at twice the price, we keep it to ourselves! We only need ta sustain ourselves, not ta ovah-inflate the economy.
*Rudy hands over the mic to Rinus, then Rinus nods his thanks to Rudy*
Rinus: The first thing that I plan to do is propose possible ways to deal with famine. Say, we can store up long-lasting food to help us for the first few weeks. But what if we run out of said food? Other ideas are needed for this but I would like to improve the welfare of the farmers first. This will give them a better working environment as they serve the country through agriculture, as well as the ability to help themselves and not be slaves under others.
The boiling point nears…
This went on for a long while, with the candidates sharing thoughts on the issues at hand, like gender inequality (“We don’t need a buncha misogynists running aroun’,” said Rudy), the education system (“I do believe that the education system does need a tune-up”, agreed Rinus), and relationships with other countries (“Who needs them? We Afmersians must value ourselves first!” exclaimed Tavish).
The problem was, insults and non-constructive criticism were woven into the answers, with Rudy and Tavish nearly at each other’s throats. Rinus tries his best to diffuse the situation but to no avail, while Serful tries to keep the debate flow as smooth as possible
It all went downhill when Tavish said a particular insult against Rudy.
So chaos descends again.
*Rudy now steaming with anger, draws out his sheathed ceremonial sword*
Rudy: Say that again ya lil’ scum!
Tavish: You see here ladies and gentlemen? Do you want a hot-headed *curses* at the helm of our country? Do you want this? People of Afmersia, DO YOU?!!
Rinus: Stop this, both of you are acting like kids. Rudy put down your weapon, and Tavish please keep your mouth shut until it’s your turn.
*As they both ignore Rinus, Rudy waves his sword, grazing Tavish’s left cheek. Tavish grabs his bottle of alcoholic drink hidden under his speech table*
*Tavish attempts to smash Rudy with bottle, misses and hits Serful instead*
* Enraged, Rudy attempts to throw sword at Tavish but pierces Serful instead*
*Camera turns toward a guard telling the media crew to cut the stream*
*Camera being carried away somehow still faces the stage and films shards hitting Rinus in the face from Tavish’s bottle*
* The screen turns black, the cameraman disables the camera, ending the stream.*
Literary: Debate

It starts with the decent.
Serful: Welcome to the Afmersia News Network! I am Serful Kham and I will be your host for today’s electoral debates. Our participants for today are the three most popular presidential candidates. First, please give it up for Tavish Skrumpy!
*Crowd cheers as Tavish strives in wearing his finest clothes*
Serful: And here comes Rinus Goodmun!
*Rinus walks up the stage wearing his “moderate” fine clothes, followed by a polite smattering of applause*
Serful: And last, but not the least, Rudy Bathum’bakal!
*Rudy steps in, dressed in his former captain’s attire decorated with medals, waves at supporters who were cheering loudly for him*
Serful: Now that our candidates are all here, I believe it’s time to explain the proceedings of today’s events. The audience will ask our candidates their questions, with the topic left to the questioner. Our candidates then have two minutes at most to answer the question, and will be asked to stop talking once the buzzer goes off. Interruptions are highly discouraged, so please refrain from speaking unless it is your turn; this goes for both the participants and the audience. Now, who wants to ask the first question?
And so it really begins…
*Serful picks out a member from the audience*
Random Audience: What would you do to deal with famine?
*Tavish straightens his posture and raises his right hand indicating he wants to answer the question*
Tavish: I’ll start a line of fast food restaurants, each of them around a corner of a city block, so that if the people go hungry, they can just go down the street and grab a bite!
*Tavish, with a smirk, steps back from the mic, while the other candidates shoot him ludicrous looks*
*Rudy coughs as a sign that he wants to be the next to answer*
Rudy: Ah really don’t think a bunch o’ resterants are gonna help us.”
*Tavish slightly narrows his eyes but says nothing*
“Ah believe tha’ whut we need is a self-sufficient country. We need ta study and fo’see how the economy will change in the foll’wing years. Ah say we should see how otha’ countries sustain themselves, and improve it. Bu’ unlike otha’ countries that rip-off other ideas and sell ‘em at twice the price, we keep it to ourselves! We only need ta sustain ourselves, not ta ovah-inflate the economy.
*Rudy hands over the mic to Rinus, then Rinus nods his thanks to Rudy*
Rinus: The first thing that I plan to do is propose possible ways to deal with famine. Say, we can store up long-lasting food to help us for the first few weeks. But what if we run out of said food? Other ideas are needed for this but I would like to improve the welfare of the farmers first. This will give them a better working environment as they serve the country through agriculture, as well as the ability to help themselves and not be slaves under others.
The boiling point nears…
This went on for a long while, with the candidates sharing thoughts on the issues at hand, like gender inequality (“We don’t need a buncha misogynists running aroun’,” said Rudy), the education system (“I do believe that the education system does need a tune-up”, agreed Rinus), and relationships with other countries (“Who needs them? We Afmersians must value ourselves first!” exclaimed Tavish).
The problem was, insults and non-constructive criticism were woven into the answers, with Rudy and Tavish nearly at each other’s throats. Rinus tries his best to diffuse the situation but to no avail, while Serful tries to keep the debate flow as smooth as possible
It all went downhill when Tavish said a particular insult against Rudy.
So chaos descends again.
*Rudy now steaming with anger, draws out his sheathed ceremonial sword*
Rudy: Say that again ya lil’ scum!
Tavish: You see here ladies and gentlemen? Do you want a hot-headed *curses* at the helm of our country? Do you want this? People of Afmersia, DO YOU?!!
Rinus: Stop this, both of you are acting like kids. Rudy put down your weapon, and Tavish please keep your mouth shut until it’s your turn.
*As they both ignore Rinus, Rudy waves his sword, grazing Tavish’s left cheek. Tavish grabs his bottle of alcoholic drink hidden under his speech table*
*Tavish attempts to smash Rudy with bottle, misses and hits Serful instead*
* Enraged, Rudy attempts to throw sword at Tavish but pierces Serful instead*
*Camera turns toward a guard telling the media crew to cut the stream*
*Camera being carried away somehow still faces the stage and films shards hitting Rinus in the face from Tavish’s bottle*
* The screen turns black, the cameraman disables the camera, ending the stream.*