Patty was a ponderous Porpoise, swimming in the Pacific Ocean thinking carefully about whether or not he has a purpose in this pointless planet. Perplexed about his existence, he decided to leave the paradise he calls home and bring his plump body to dry land. Patty learned plenty of things during his time on the surface, but he wanted to learn more, so he went to the Panama Public University and studied medicine to become a pediatric surgeon.
Patty worked so hard and graduated top of his class with high honors, and immediately got a job at the General Hospital in Barisal.
He worked so hard that he became the best surgeon there is in Bangladesh. So famous that many visited his Pediatric office, including his future wife.
Patty met this wonderful woman named Mary and got married immediately, but no one would marry a porpoise to a human being, except for a man in Mindanao named Mang Mandoto who was crazy enough to marry them both.
And after a while they had a girl named Cherry, who was born in China while Patty and his wife were on a vacation he won from a Chane Lottery contest in a convenience store.
But Patty was lucky to last that long in land, his life is slowly fading away. As he lies there alone on a bed with nothing but a linen bed sheet under him. All alone with no one by his side for his wife left him for a giant lobster named Larry.
And here lies Patty the Porpoise who died, went away without a purpose.
Literary: Patty the Purposeless Porpoise

Patty was a ponderous Porpoise, swimming in the Pacific Ocean thinking carefully about whether or not he has a purpose in this pointless planet. Perplexed about his existence, he decided to leave the paradise he calls home and bring his plump body to dry land. Patty learned plenty of things during his time on the surface, but he wanted to learn more, so he went to the Panama Public University and studied medicine to become a pediatric surgeon.
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He worked so hard that he became the best surgeon there is in Bangladesh. So famous that many visited his Pediatric office, including his future wife.
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But Patty was lucky to last that long in land, his life is slowly fading away. As he lies there alone on a bed with nothing but a linen bed sheet under him. All alone with no one by his side for his wife left him for a giant lobster named Larry.
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And here lies Patty the Porpoise who died, went away without a purpose.