
Literary (Submission): Line Postulate

8/12/2015 08:12:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Two points, non-collinear, that is what we are
Yet I always look at you and wish to every star
For the line that connects you and him
To turn and just connect us instead

Does a point stand a chance against an infinite line?
To change the rules, I must not just wait for a sign
Instead I must act and clad myself with courage
And with that thing called fear, I should lessen my dosage

As I gathered all the strength I have in me
I jumped away from my line and set myself free
Little did I know that I was veering away from you
Away from everything, away from me

I was lost and suddenly I could see nothing
Only then did I realize I was hurting
Slowly I was disappearing, what was I thinking?
I am now just a speck of dust falling

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