
Literary (Submission): Track 01

7/23/2015 08:53:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

I still remember my very first song
Introduced by your old guitar
It was the tune that lulled me to sleep
And calmed me from my tantrums

I still remember the first time I played,
Experimented on grandmother's antique piano
I didn't know how to harness the notes
But you were there to guide me

I still remember my first recital
Played on the new violin you bought me
You promised me you would watch
But in the end you couldn't make it

I still remember the first time I composed,
Wrote on borrowed music sheets
It was about the day you left me
Taking with you the beauty of music

I still remember my first time in a studio
Stationed somewhere you could never be
I was amazed by wonders you didn't teach
It was as if the beauty had returned to me

I still remember the first time I toured
Sang in places I hoped you would be
Among the songs I wrote there was one
One to thank and finally forgive you

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