
The Ma’am Cathy inside UPIS has a different persona from Ma’am Cathy on social media sites, especially on Twitter. At school, all she can think about is work, work, work and that includes editing this article. While on Twitter, other than promoting Ang Aninag Online and being a proud teacher, adviser, and “Mami” to her students, the user @lyraharaya uses Twitter to express her emotions, thoughts, and feelings on the daily hustles and bustles of life. Here she can be mad, sad, happy, excited, exhausted, and be a little savage like any other Twitter user.
Ma’am Cathy Atordido (@lyraharaya), an English teacher for 11 years and counting and one of the learning cooordinators of MC 2018, is one active and internet-savvy Twitter user. Here are some relatable tweets that made us realize that she’s one of us.
1. When she defended the stress of people around the world. If students, have too many projects to do, think about how many papers that teachers need to check! Don’t even try to invalidate the stress levels of a teacher.

2. When she needed to push her limits all for the love of literature, K-Dramas, and sleep. For her, work must always come first before she enjoys her most deserved rewards.

3. When she spent the ASEAN week binge watching K-Dramas with no regrets. As like what people say, time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.

4. When she was so happy for her kumareng Song Hye Kyo and kumpareng Song Joong Ki after the #SongSongCouple wedding.

5. When she shows her love and support for basketball. She’s a big fan of the sport (don’t even get me started about her love for the Gin Kings) and sometimes loses her chill while watching the game.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Exhibit E:

6. When the class suspensions happened. Angry Cathy is angry.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

7. When not even the twiter account of the Media Center itself was spared. She has no patience for errata and the like and wish for those to be dealt with as soon as possible.

8. When she put arrogance in its place. Don’t even think of starting a keyboard fight against an English teacher if you haven’t even mastered basic subject-verb agreement.

9. When she shows her belief in the powers of the universe. Students of Ma’am Cathy know about her fervent trust on destiny and fate, even having a jar used for “group-making” purposes aptly named “Universe”.

10. When she does what she does best, being a supportive and relateable “Mami.” Wise words from Ma’am Cathy that we should never forget:

Feature: 10 Times Ma'am Cathy Proved She's One of Us

The Ma’am Cathy inside UPIS has a different persona from Ma’am Cathy on social media sites, especially on Twitter. At school, all she can think about is work, work, work and that includes editing this article. While on Twitter, other than promoting Ang Aninag Online and being a proud teacher, adviser, and “Mami” to her students, the user @lyraharaya uses Twitter to express her emotions, thoughts, and feelings on the daily hustles and bustles of life. Here she can be mad, sad, happy, excited, exhausted, and be a little savage like any other Twitter user.
Ma’am Cathy Atordido (@lyraharaya), an English teacher for 11 years and counting and one of the learning cooordinators of MC 2018, is one active and internet-savvy Twitter user. Here are some relatable tweets that made us realize that she’s one of us.
1. When she defended the stress of people around the world. If students, have too many projects to do, think about how many papers that teachers need to check! Don’t even try to invalidate the stress levels of a teacher.

2. When she needed to push her limits all for the love of literature, K-Dramas, and sleep. For her, work must always come first before she enjoys her most deserved rewards.

3. When she spent the ASEAN week binge watching K-Dramas with no regrets. As like what people say, time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.

4. When she was so happy for her kumareng Song Hye Kyo and kumpareng Song Joong Ki after the #SongSongCouple wedding.

5. When she shows her love and support for basketball. She’s a big fan of the sport (don’t even get me started about her love for the Gin Kings) and sometimes loses her chill while watching the game.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Exhibit E:

6. When the class suspensions happened. Angry Cathy is angry.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

7. When not even the twiter account of the Media Center itself was spared. She has no patience for errata and the like and wish for those to be dealt with as soon as possible.

8. When she put arrogance in its place. Don’t even think of starting a keyboard fight against an English teacher if you haven’t even mastered basic subject-verb agreement.

9. When she shows her belief in the powers of the universe. Students of Ma’am Cathy know about her fervent trust on destiny and fate, even having a jar used for “group-making” purposes aptly named “Universe”.

10. When she does what she does best, being a supportive and relateable “Mami.” Wise words from Ma’am Cathy that we should never forget: