
I awoke in the middle of the night, my praceful dreamless slumber untimely intereupted. With groggy eyes I forced myself to glimpse upon the nearby wall clock and determined the time was 02:21; still too early to get up, so I rolled myself in my blanket and attempted to fall back to sleep. However, I failed despite my best efforts. I was wide awake, and my mind was racing. It felt as though it were a geyser ready to burst at any moment. With out anything better to do, I lay there, and tried one of the oldest things in the book...
... 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep...
Like the universe in its early days, my thoughts were wild, scattered, and formless. But at the same time, full of potential.
... 12, 13, 14, 15...
Akin to the Big Bang, one question popped into my mind, one question that would be the foundation of all following ideas. It’s nowhere near as unique as I’d hoped, but the fact that it has been asked over and over only reveals its value. Not to mention the amazingly positive effects should it successfully be answered.
“What in the world is wrong with this country?”
... 23, 24, 25...
The common way to attack such problems is through the ruling class, in this case, the government. A group of people who supposedly serve as representatives for the masses, but it would seem that the only people they serve are themselves.
... 34, 35, 36...
Through observation, it can be seen that much of the systems in the country favor what we call the 1% of the world, those with already vast fortunes who seek to hoard even more of the world’s resources while the rest of us work ourselves to death to bring them such luxuries.
... 42...
... I can’t help but think that something is wrong with these ideas. While it is true that they are based on facts, I can’t help but think it’s impossible that no one is fighting such a broken system. That the problem isn’t the problem, but rather how people are addressing the problem.
... 67, 68, 69...
The rules and norms of society may be for the benefit of all, however, such unwritten laws are optional, and in the reality of the things, it’s a dog eat dog world out there.
... 83, 84, 85...
I’m beginning to see why this question keeps resurfacing, mostly it is because people themselves refuse to act regarding the matter. They simply wait in hopes that things will get better sooner or later.
... 92, 93, 94...
People live their lives in such a way that they’re living simply to live one day after the other, bearing no thought whatsoever of how a such a system wouldn’t change in the coming of future generations. If we want change, then we must act.
... 95...
However, due to the already established world order, it is challenging to create such a society because people have already accepted the current world as an unchangeable reality.
... 96...
But another truth about reality is that it is constantly changing, adapting to best fit those who reside in it.
But in order for things to change for the better, it is us, as individuals who have to change.
... 97...
Only then can we unite and oppose the system in order to create a better world for everyone.
... 98
... 99
... 100
I guess I’ll give it a try, tomorrow.
Literary: Counting Sheep

I awoke in the middle of the night, my praceful dreamless slumber untimely intereupted. With groggy eyes I forced myself to glimpse upon the nearby wall clock and determined the time was 02:21; still too early to get up, so I rolled myself in my blanket and attempted to fall back to sleep. However, I failed despite my best efforts. I was wide awake, and my mind was racing. It felt as though it were a geyser ready to burst at any moment. With out anything better to do, I lay there, and tried one of the oldest things in the book...
... 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep...
Like the universe in its early days, my thoughts were wild, scattered, and formless. But at the same time, full of potential.
... 12, 13, 14, 15...
Akin to the Big Bang, one question popped into my mind, one question that would be the foundation of all following ideas. It’s nowhere near as unique as I’d hoped, but the fact that it has been asked over and over only reveals its value. Not to mention the amazingly positive effects should it successfully be answered.
“What in the world is wrong with this country?”
... 23, 24, 25...
The common way to attack such problems is through the ruling class, in this case, the government. A group of people who supposedly serve as representatives for the masses, but it would seem that the only people they serve are themselves.
... 34, 35, 36...
Through observation, it can be seen that much of the systems in the country favor what we call the 1% of the world, those with already vast fortunes who seek to hoard even more of the world’s resources while the rest of us work ourselves to death to bring them such luxuries.
... 42...
... I can’t help but think that something is wrong with these ideas. While it is true that they are based on facts, I can’t help but think it’s impossible that no one is fighting such a broken system. That the problem isn’t the problem, but rather how people are addressing the problem.
... 67, 68, 69...
The rules and norms of society may be for the benefit of all, however, such unwritten laws are optional, and in the reality of the things, it’s a dog eat dog world out there.
... 83, 84, 85...
I’m beginning to see why this question keeps resurfacing, mostly it is because people themselves refuse to act regarding the matter. They simply wait in hopes that things will get better sooner or later.
... 92, 93, 94...
People live their lives in such a way that they’re living simply to live one day after the other, bearing no thought whatsoever of how a such a system wouldn’t change in the coming of future generations. If we want change, then we must act.
... 95...
However, due to the already established world order, it is challenging to create such a society because people have already accepted the current world as an unchangeable reality.
... 96...
But another truth about reality is that it is constantly changing, adapting to best fit those who reside in it.
But in order for things to change for the better, it is us, as individuals who have to change.
... 97...
Only then can we unite and oppose the system in order to create a better world for everyone.
... 98
... 99
... 100
I guess I’ll give it a try, tomorrow.