How strange an idea
To hope for a high life
In a strange world God only knows
Where everything is perfect for you and you alone
With a bit of drama here and there
Add a splash of passion and flare
Constantly living the good life, at ease
Just like in the movies
But you see, although you get to be the hero
The one who gets to see what life brings in the morrow
The one who gets to dodge all the bullets and the arrows
Of life’s generic villains who prey on the world’s sorrows
In time you’ll see, all will fade
We’ll be left alone clinging to the knife’s blade
The lush gardens you worked hard to grow
Will rot and each flower will twist from woe
People we love will always leave
Whether they want to or you want to, we all will grieve
The hero comes home from the grand arena
Victorious but aware that the perfect life was just a naïve idea
Do you know how much it hurts to be a hero?
The universe makes them from tragedy, a simple zero
They have to be strong because the loss never ends
Just like the movies we watch on the weekends
The world will bleed, and bleed, and bleed
And the Universe will cough up more heroes as we need
Lovers separated, friendships strained, families will be hated
For a life just like a movie we ourselves created
Literary: Just Like in the Movies

How strange an idea
To hope for a high life
In a strange world God only knows
Where everything is perfect for you and you alone
With a bit of drama here and there
Add a splash of passion and flare
Constantly living the good life, at ease
Just like in the movies
But you see, although you get to be the hero
The one who gets to see what life brings in the morrow
The one who gets to dodge all the bullets and the arrows
Of life’s generic villains who prey on the world’s sorrows
In time you’ll see, all will fade
We’ll be left alone clinging to the knife’s blade
The lush gardens you worked hard to grow
Will rot and each flower will twist from woe
People we love will always leave
Whether they want to or you want to, we all will grieve
The hero comes home from the grand arena
Victorious but aware that the perfect life was just a naïve idea
Do you know how much it hurts to be a hero?
The universe makes them from tragedy, a simple zero
They have to be strong because the loss never ends
Just like the movies we watch on the weekends
The world will bleed, and bleed, and bleed
And the Universe will cough up more heroes as we need
Lovers separated, friendships strained, families will be hated
For a life just like a movie we ourselves created