
Literary (Submission): Come Back Home

8/31/2019 09:02:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Much to my dislike, I haven’t written anything in what feels like ages. I’m rusty and unsure if I still have the spark. Time hasn’t been nice to me when it comes to writing. I wish words would just flow right from my heart and into my fingertips again just like they used to. Maybe I’ve been too preoccupied and busy or maybe I just lack the inspiration I used to have back then.

When I was young, I never thought I would ever be able to write. I avoided it as much as possible. I tried my hand at it a few times in elementary school but I never seemed to be as good as the others were. It wasn’t until I gave it another go late in high school before I understood why.

Short stuff – I was better at writing short stuff. I wrote best when I put things in the simplest way for other people to understand. I found my niche early on as we took our classes and learned to write different things. I wrote and wrote and wrote (among various other things) for three years. I learned a lot about myself and others too during that time.

True, gone are the days of magic and love I’ve spent in this home, but one thing is for sure. The magic and love will stay and go on for an even longer time. Perhaps, I can relive it.

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