cerise peony,

Literary: A Matter of Confessing

2/21/2019 08:06:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

I entered the room, where I knew you would be
I made my choice
I had nothing to lose, after all
So I trusted my gut and decided
I would finally let my pent-up emotions spill
I would recount the unmistakable connection we had, whenever we talk
I would tell you how the smallest gesture you make can ignite my heart
I would confess how you’re the only one who can soothe my worries
I tried to convince myself that it was going to work out
I asked myself yet again
Was it worth taking this risk?
For you to discover the longing I secretly keep
Maybe, however small, we might still have a chance
But no
I was too afraid to tell you how I really feel
It was the unfortunate, bittersweet truth
My fears of your unknown response was a heavy anchor immobilizing my heart
I did not deserve you
Not if I was like this
I could never tell you how much I admire and crave for you
I was just a straight-up coward, a lovesick fool unworthy of your affections
I was nothing but a naïve child lying on rosy dreams
Carrying these thoughts
I walked off, my steps taking me away

(Unhappy with the decision? Now read in reverse to change this fate.)

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