
Literary: Tampered

9/29/2017 08:16:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

It's a bit out of place, my face
It seems like it's looking at nothing
While yours is captured perfectly, honestly
No rule of thirds needed, you're the subject

I try my best to look okay, at least
While you look gorgeous, as always
I'm doing everything I can to look just as good
But I'm getting frustrated, it's no use!

I'm slightly off-angle and a bit over-exposed
Or my face is really just nothing compared to yours
Yours has its own filter and literally glows
I can't find a perfect picture with you anymore

It's out of place because it is
It's glued slightly to the left
It's a cut-out of my face
Placed on top of your man's

I can't look okay with you
If you never were with me
For there wasn't ever a picture of us
Nor there ever will be

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