
Literary (Submission): Shape and Shift

10/16/2015 09:55:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

She looked at him and his eyes were away
What was he thinking? How could she ever say
He doesn’t know what she was truly feeling
For this girl was an invisible being.

Mind Reading
He tried not to look for too long
But this time was different, her eyes sang a song
They were just looking at each other as if chanting a curse
And then he knew, his heart was beating the same rhythm as hers.

From then on they lived each day like a fairy tale
Together they faced everything like a blowing gale
Nothing could tear them apart from each other
They were great flames no one could ever smother.

But as time passed, he asked himself, “Is she really the answer?”
His endless doubt caused him to step back and his mind to wander
And then another girl stood beside him
Pretty, funny and smart, she became his secret dream.

He killed the first one in a most grotesque manner
He didn’t know he made her suffer
She did not realize, she was buried alone, breathing
But in no time, again she was up and walking.

She felt undaunted and invulnerable
She was a machine no one could disable
Immune to any pain, she learned from her past
The past that shattered and ruined her trust.

He pleaded and begged and asked for forgiveness
Yet she never relented, it caused him sadness
He was now alone, agonized and left with nothing
Just because he felt unsure about the girl who gave him everything.

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